In keeping with the update and expansion I've undertaken, as mentioned in a previous entry on the main site, Time For Some Reorganisation, I'd hoped to use one of the Dynamic Templates for Companion, but there are more disadvantages with that route at the moment. You cannot directly edit the HTML or add widgets, although you can modify the CSS. That's no good for the kind of layout I'm ultimately looking for.
So it looks as though, for now at least, the layout here will remain the same, as it will on RPG Maker Times. It's too much hassle to particularize utilities and scripts with a dynamic format, unless and until Google allows these key areas.
Meantime, I've been working on a new navigation menu. Rather than using Flash, which is what the current one is, I'm experimenting with a jQuery/Javascript one; this will allow much easier editing as new sections and utilities are uploaded. Hopefully, I'll have something soon.
The RPG Maker Times domain and its subdomains (this blog, the Smile Game
Builder Athenaeum and the RPG Developer Bakin Athenaeum) are no longer